Donating to St Mark's


Why Donate?

Your donations will help to continue the work of St Mark’s now and into the future. The work can only continue with your help. This is Your Church in our community. 

Ways to Donate:  Please Gift Aid if possible

Standing OrderPlanned giving by standing order (SO) is the preferred method as this provides a regular income.

Forms are available at the rear of the Church. 

To down load a Standing Order (SO) form Click Here

Brown Envelope - For those who wish to contribute a regular amount weekly.  Speak to a Steward in church for details and obtain a unique number for you contributions

Blue Envelope Used for one off donations where the giver elects gift aid to be collected. Your name and house number and post code are required for claiming gift aid

Open Plate -The old-fashioned collection plate at the back of church.  You can always use a blue envelope to keep your donation private. 

Gift Aid -UK tax payers can sign up to the gift aid scheme.  For each pound donated St Mark's can claim an extra 25 pence from HMRC. 

That’s a win-win situation for St Mark’s.

Please check with HMRC for full details on Gift Aid.

To download a Gift Aid form Click Here


Thank you for your support

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